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All languages have the capacity to provide sustenance and comfort.

2016-10-10 16:04:21NEW ! テーマ:SAVING SENECA

Dear Fellow Earthlings, Today I present to you some phrases that show the beauty and humanity of Seneca. Seeing these beautiful expressions will convey to you all the inherent beauty of the language. If all of the languages of Earth were manifested by the meanings described here, there would be no war and no rancor, no pollution and no despair. Of course, the Seneca people, as humans, do have expressions that indicate hostility and other negative feelings. However, revealing those to you would serve no good purpose. There is too much in this world that is negative. Sometimes we need to think, hear, say, write, and read only good,positive thoughts! Be thnakful as you now enjoy precious little gems that are part of the beauty of OnO(n)dowA'ga:'(known in English as Seneca)! You are the greatest. issne aho'oh I love you a lot. wesokonohgwa' I will take care of you. i'ne:dEgoSne:h I will help you. Engoyenowos You're a good child! seksa'di:yo: You are cute! seksa'ko:wah My mother loves me. akno'eOgidA:s Your mother loves you. sano'A:asano'gwa' My father loves me. ha'ni'hagidA:s Your father loves you. ya'niyanohgwa' Can I help you? agwenyo Engoyadageha? Are you hungry? sadosweda:ni? She says, "I'm hungry!" "Aganoswe'dani"wa'age' He says, "I'm hungry!" "Aganoswe'dani"moe Eat it up! sis'a:h Do you need more (food)? asOko'? Say "Thank you."! "nyawEh" ijih! Aren't you sleepy? de'sEnda'was? You're not sleepy. de'sEnda'was. Here's your pillow. nenda'gagO'se' Sleep well! sEda'Ojiweh I'm going to give you kisses. dEOgwAyonyoh We will play. enjatga:nyeh Make big eyes! desatgatgaitken! He's laughing. hasgatgwes. I understand. ga:Oka' We'll see each other again. dEjihnyadade:gE'ae' Where are we (all of us) going? ga:weh hEdwe'? Thankfully, you are alive ! nyawEh hesohe:' I will love you forever. jotgO A'Egonohgwak little baby sadonih a:a care and respect sajEnonigwak Protect your whole being! esadahnostei:k respectful of your surroundings esaiwagOnyestO' our Mother the Earth etinO'eh yOEzade' I hear it. agatOde' good road to travel ahyohesota:yendak Although my ability in Seneca is still very basic, I am enjoying attempting to pronounce it as closely as possible to the pronunciations of the few remaining native speakers of that precious language! By the way, I noticed only today that "nyawEh" (meaning "Thank you.") is pronounced almost as "iyawEh" by some native speakers, hinting that at one time in the past the i vowel of Seneca may have been nasalized. In modern Seneca only the vowels a, e, and o can be nasalized. HadEnOshyonis (Steve Walker) Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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