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We CAN Save Earth! Installment 317


Dear Fellow Earthlings,

A major portion of the American CBS television network "60 Minutes" program of October 9, 2016 was devoted to reporting on the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) development. Steve Croft, host of the segment, explained that such American high tech giants as Google and IBM are racing to develop AI.

Within the past 5 years AI has evolved to the point where it can learn "from experience" -- not merely from being programmed. Croft says that in the very near future AI robots will attain a level of sophistication that will allow them to "think for themselves, independently, with judgment".

The newest example of how far robotics has come is IBM's AI robot "Watson". In only five years Watson has progressed from outperforming most humans on quiz shows to helping doctors and other medical specialists to develop improved methods for treating cancer.

Due to the leaps and bounds that are currently taking place in AI development, there is no shortage of investors willing to fund research and development projects by IBM and other tech giants. These corporations are very motivated to be leaders in the competition to see who can come up with the most exciting new applications for advances in AI technology.

AI can now learn for kitself (This is not a misprint here. "kit" is my coinage as the epicene pronoun for robots.), as humans do -- but faster, much faster! For example, Watson can read one million books per second. Within a couple of weeks Watson was able to master genomics and oncology -- and is now qualified as a medical doctor. Watson's erudite treatment choices for cancer patients usually match -- and sometimes exceed -- the efficacy of the treatments that humans have suggested.

Medical AI marvel Watson is able to interact with humans due to improvements in technology that is based on machine learning algorithms. And as Watson gets data, kit LEARNS! Kit reads those roughly 8,000 new medical articles every day -- and

is then, instantly able to compare and contrast them with all of the articles kit has read and internalized on previous days.

How is this possible? Because Watson never forgets anything!!

Definitely, I would love to help Watson create algorithms for providing Jingles type training for people who wish to learn whatever language or languages they wish.

Specifics about how Jingles techniques could meld with Watson's attributes to provide universal target language phonological expertise to whoever wants it will be revealed in tomorrow's blog.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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