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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

As JINGLES clients practice their JINGLES using their TRAINING MODE, they develop the proper degree of nativelike English pronunciation expertise to deal with native speakers of English on an equal footing -- at least, when it comes to matters of phonology.

The actual degree of target language (be it English, French, Japanese, Seneca, Chinese, or any other language or dialect) TRAINING MODE phonological expertise required to allow the JINGLES client to "go over the top" in terms of clearing the bar that qualifies kerm as a native-level (JINGLES score of "90" or above) speaker of the target language depends on the individual client.

Some clients are able to reach "90" in their applied pronunciation (their "regular mode") by reaching 90.0 in their TRAINING MODE. Others might have to attain the maximum TRAINING MODE score possible (a score of 90.5) in order to reach that same score of "90" in their regular mode. Many factors are involved in this process...

But now I have discovered another "MODE". I have dubbed this mode the "inspiration mode" -- and it is wild!

Certain of my clients who have achieved both TRAINING MODE and regular mode levels of 90 display something akin to complete disregard for things phonological when they are moved by the passion that often comes along with creativity, enthusiasm, panic, and/or genius. They throw many if not most of the target language speech motor skills they have acquired out the window as they expound on the contents of the messages they wish to deliver.

To present one such example:

"Ih somwang pace so ay sink -- mo ah teng shawng tsu za moves sach ah nay shong ease making as its seeks tsu in chee imidate its ney baas, jees could help spah uh dzuh nay shongs iss pin tsing sach bar buh li zem tsu kong so ri deyt dze efoughts tsu keep dzat loug ney shong ahn dah contlol." is roughly how this inspired person sounds when kee is TRYING TO SAY:

"If someone pays -- "so I think" ("as I see it" would be better here...) -- more attention to the moves such a nation is making as it seeks to intimidate its neighbors, this could help spur other nations experiencing such barbarism to consolidate their efforts to keep that rogue nation under control."

This same person, when calm and collected, is capable of delivering the same message with nativelike pronunciation (since kerm inspiration mode is, obviously, in the "off" setting). Clearly, I must find ways to aid my many clients who ARE so full of inspiration to channel their surges of inspiration in ways that produce phonological performances that ordinary native speakers can readily understand!

Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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