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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

On February 11, 2016 I will arrive in Seneca country. Once again I will go to Salamanca (OnE’dagO:h) – But now I am better prepared than I was before to make the journey. I realize that the few remaining native speakers of Seneca:

1) tend to be in failing health due to their advanced ages (in their 80s and 90s) – which makes capturing various aspects of their Seneca phonome extremely problematical , 2) are not motivated to share their precious language with me, an outsider, 3) have seen their language/culture/religion abused and even exploited for reasons of vanity and or financial gain.

But I also have optimistic things to say as I think about what will happen during my February 11th through 15th experience in Seneca Country.

1) I have much more background now than I did the first time I visited Seneca country, back in November of 2013 (See installments 134 through 142 especially.). 2) G and I trust each other more than we did back then, 3) The GaEnO’ are much more developed than they were when last I visited.

One of the main goals I have while in Seneca Country is to work with a sound engineer and an oscilloscope to better characterize the vibrations that are so important in making Seneca sound like Seneca – and not like English or French or Dutch or even one of the 4 other modern Iroquoian languages (Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, or Mohawk). By gaining a greater depth of knowledge regarding the various resonances that native speakers of Seneca employ, I will be able to improve the quality and utility of the GaEnO’!

I will do my best!

Earthsaver and Gaënö’’composer, Hadënöhšyö:nis (English name: Steve Walker)

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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