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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Here is a continuation of the story I began in Installment 266. It is the story of Jaysëh, a Seneca man who has decided to improve his health and appearance by eating nutritious, traditional Onödowa’ga:’ food instead of the processed typical American food he had been consuming.

In this blog I continue the listing of various statements with “Line 13”. The reader is asked to review lines 1 through 12 – to be found in Installment 266 – before going on here.

Line 13. O’neyosda:gi’ ëwögega’ha’ö:k. Osae’dajiswa’ koh (I will be enjoying roasted corn soup and mashed beans.) Line 14. Gwaheh tö:sage:k neh ogaehda’ koh neh dagä’ë’ o’nägöhsda’.( But I won’t eat cereal or chicken wings again.) Line 15 Dagwa’dä:në’, do:ges! Oshöwë’ ojisgwa’, do:ges! (Raspberries, yes!. Parched corn mush, yes!) Line 16. Gwaheh tösage:k owisä:ta’. (But I won’t eat butter again.) Line 17. I:’ ëgadadehsyö:ni’ ojiyagi’. I:’ dëgejiskwaid neh ojiya’shö’. (I will make fruit juice for myself, I will smash the berries.) Line 18. Taknigeah neh onegawänoe’, koh neh onögwishä:gi’ gashe’dagö:kha:’. (I won’t drink soda pop or grape juice that is canned.) Line 19. Ga:nyo’ koh ëge;k neh o’nisda’, ta:kisyohga:h. (When I eat corn on the cob, I won’t butter it.) Line 20. O’nöhsa:o’ o:negagi’? Do:ges! (Wild onion soup, yes!) Line 21. Agadöhswe’danih! (I’m hungry!) Line 22. Do:gwah ho’ga:d sadënö’geäd, ta’gë:öh näh saoyei:sdë’ neh hoja’dawi’shä’ (He tried these various methods and -- finally -- his jacket fits again.) Line 23: Onëh nä:h si:gwa:h neshöhi:yo:h. (Now. He is healthier.) Line 24. Sgë:nö’ koh shënöhdonyöh.(And he is happier.) Line 25. Ga:nyo’ onëh ëödawë’ha’, a:yë:’ nä:h hosgë’ëgehdögo:wa:h!( When he goes swimming now, he looks like a great warrior!) Line 26. Nä:h neh sëh hadewënödänö:de:’, oiwa’geh, jotgö:n näh hadöh neh Jaysëh, “Sadënö’geäd, ne:’ nä: neh agyöhehgöh.” (In regards to the “three sisters” (that is, corn, beans, squash) Jaysëh always says, “Try them -- they are the sustainers of life.” Line 27. Jaysëh koh ahsöh hoyë’he’ö:je’ neh Onödowa’ga:’ Gawë:nö’. (Jaysëh is learning more Seneca language.) Line 28. Hadeyësta’ Gaënö’ hadewënishäge:h gao”nö’wöndih ëödekö:ni’ sedehjiaka:’ koh neh gao’nö’wöndih ëöjashë:nö’. (He studies Gaënö’every day, before he eats breakfast and before he goes to bed.

Today, have I continued to write about dietary improvements that the Seneca people need if they are to survive, compete, and prosper in the modern world. And I have added, almost nonchalantly that Jaysëh is now using the Gaënö’ (Jingles designed to develop the pronunciation of aspiring speakers of the Seneca language) to develop his Seneca pronunciation system. The next Seneca installment will come out in about a week, as Installment 273.

Very truly yours,

Hadënöhšyö:nis (English name: Steve Walker) Earthsaver koh Gaënö’’composer

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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