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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

The sun is Earth's main support. It guides Earth on her path and sends its light to heat Earth's surface just enough to support life. Is the sun in and of itself alive?

At this point, I would say that it is not. You see, it has never demonstrated to me -- in the way that Earth does -- that it harbors various living creatures...

At any rate, the sun's enormous energy is something that we humans should take advantage of in the same way that green plants do. They use its energy to reduce carbon dioxide levels and increase oxygen levels in our troposphere.

What we humans need to do is to harness the sun's energy through the use of solar cells that will make it possible for us to replace our ever expanding power grids with energy that is supplied by each and every one of us on an individual basis. This individualized power generation would eliminate the need for us to continue the use of carbon based and nuclear based power generation.

Wind power is unsightly and destroys birds -- and tidal power plants destroy the natural beauty of our coastlines. Solar is the way to go! All countries receive sunlight every day (with the exception of areas near our north and south poles, which receive no direct sunlight for varying periods of time during winter). Therefore, all people, if they can build and/or be provided with roof-mounted arrays of high tech solar paneling, will attain a greater level of energy independence.

Furthermore, as methods of storing energy harnessed from the sun develop further, no power stations will be needed -- and each individual human will become self empowered as kee generates enough energy for kerm individual needs. If all of us learn how to pool this empowerment, our energy woes will become a thing of the past, our skies will clear up, and Earth's global warming will turn to a much needed global cooling -- allowing us humans to turn our attentions to solving other problems that we have created.

Very truly yours,

Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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