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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

I once had a tenant who occupied my house in Oregon. He occasionally did things that were prohibited in our rental agreement, such as dumping trash out in the woods surrounding the house, keeping a dog in the house, and failing to keep the kitchen area clean. But I was tolerant, for he and his wife had stored all of their worldly things in my house and I did not want to put him through the trouble of having to clear all of it out – which would be something he would have to do if I evicted him.

During a check of the property one day in February of 2007, I explained to him that I would appreciate it if he followed the rules as set down in the rental agreement. I could have become upset with him when he said, “You don’t even live here! As long as I live here, I – and NOT YOU – will decide what is done with this place!”

I was caught off guard and did not know how to reply to such a disrespectful statement. But what the tenant did moments after voicing his opinion changed all that...

An Oregon rough-skinned newt happened to be crawling on the driveway. One of the reasons I had purchased my Oregon property in the first place was to provide a sanctuary for the rough-skinned newt and various other living things that have been in Oregon since time immemorial.

I said to the renter: “Oh, look! A newt!"

Whereupon he ambled over to the creature and, with his huge, booted left foot stomped on the newt, killing it instantly.

“30 days is the notice given on our rental agreement”, I said. “And I hereby inform you that you and your wife and all of your belongings are to be off this property 30 days from today.”

The guy said some very offensive things to me, filled with expletives and threats.

“What makes you think one newt is so important?” he belted out. I merely said, “You have murdered a member of my family – and he – not you, is why I own this place. And don’t ask me who I think is higher on the family tree of living things."

Then I added, "I will be back in 30 days to reclaim this land for Mother Earth!"

You know, if that guy had only lived and let live, he might even now be in that house on that hilltop in Oregon, enjoying those inspiring sunrises and sunsets -- and all of the living things that are to be found on the property!

Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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