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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Let’s use food terms to not only rebuild the Seneca (“ Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ ”) community phonome, but also the physical body of every Seneca individual. Every 3rd, 4th or 5th installment this year will be about Onö(n)dowa’ga:’, as we build up the body, the manifestation of the Seneca genome -- and the Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ language, the manifestation of the Seneca phonome! Food terms training will commence with Installment 266.

Here we are getting into a way to help the Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ people be healthy – and to be more... well, more SENECA! In other words, more Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ !

You see, the unravelling is found everywhere you look with the “people of the great hill” (which is what “ Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ ” literally means). They have been flooded out of their homes, lied to about having a degree of “national independence” , deprived of much of their cultural heritage (See installments 140, 158, 165, 190.) -- and now underfed!

Wait a minute! Isn’t diabetes a result of eating TOO MUCH? The fact is that the Seneca people eat too much in the way of processed/junk foods – and NOT ENOUGH traditional, nourishing food. Approximately 33% of adults among the Seneca people suffer from diabetes – and even 20% of Seneca children have the disease. The general population of the United States has a diabetes rate of just over 9% (which in itself is a very high percentage). But this figure is only some 30% as high as the rate among adult Seneca people! Truly, the Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ people need to start eating healthful, traditional foods!

Let’s start with “neh sëh hadewenode:no:de:’ “ (the three sisters corn, squash , and beans).These traditional foods are truly, as the Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ people themselves said, “sustainers of life” Such wholesome foods should replace the refined foods now consumed so eagerly by today’s Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ children! Every third installment this year will be about the Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ people and their language, as we build up the body, the manifestation of their genome, and the language, manifestation of their phonome!

The Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ genome is already there – but the bodies constructed by the array of genes that comprise the gene are below par! Can an Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ warrior whip any European in sight as used to be the case? It’s hard to do that when you have diabetes and other health issues Let’s get started!

And can the Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ phonome be saved. ? It can be bolstered by the creation of an ecelectic Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ allophonome. Jingles theory makes it clear that when a community phonome is down to five individuals, then the only hope left is to supplement it with prostheses called Gaënö' , that these Gaënö’, if applied carefully by qualified folk, can get the Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ people back onto a phonome that bears a strong resemblance to the former Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ community phonomes that were manifested as various dialects back in the days preceding the coming of the Europeans to the Americas.

The rivers may no longer flow as they used to, due to dams and other man made agents of destruction, but the blood flowing through the Onö(n)dowa’ga:’ men and women, the children, and the elders, can once again flow with vigor into the vocal tracts of the “people of the great hill” !

2016 IS the year when we turn the corner!!

Earthsaver and Gaënö’’composer, Hadënöhšyö:nis. (English name: Steve Walker)

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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