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Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Bad news regarding the plight of the African elephant continues to pour out of Africa. In an article by Nick Visser released by “The Huffington Post” on June 2, 2015 (entitled “Tanzania Has Lost 60 Percent of Its Elephants to Poachers in 5 Years”), I have read that Tanzania’s minister for natural resources and tourism has announced that over 85,000 elephants have been slaughtered by poachers since 2010. The elephant population of Tanzania is now about 40,000 – down from a population of around 109,000 in 2009. The murderers of these helpless creatures are motivated by the 300% rise in the price of raw ivory over the past 5 years. Undercover investigators for the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) were told by market traders that in March 2013 the black market price of ivory doubled to $700 per kilo. According to a recent report by the EIA, criminal gangs are responsible for the huge numbers of elephants being killed by poachers. Is there no way to stop these people? “The Guardian” has reported that China has agreed to begin “phasing out its ivory trade”. Let’s hope that this is true! With Chinese interdiction, criminal gangs would have a much more difficult time moving their illicitly acquired “goods” to market. Such an interdiction will offer some hope that the presently unabated outrageous slaughter will subside. Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


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