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We CAN Save Earth Installment 300

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Today’s installment is a direct follow-up to Installment 131, released on October 31, 2013. It reflects the evolution of my approach to earthsaving. .. I suggest that you read Installment 131 in conjunction with today’s installment. Note that the theme of Installment 131 was “Saving Languages”. I could have assigned the same theme to today’s installment, but opted for a theme that I hope can facilitate the saving of languages: “New Technologies”.

As I continue my effort to save various human languages, I am keenly aware of the fact that the techniques I have developed for “The JINGLES” can be expanded in scope, by adapting their “details” to fit the phonological characteristics of the languages I seek to preserve.

New technologies are paving the way for the mass conservation of the basic storehouses for all human cultures: their languages. Heretofore discounted phonology has always played second fiddle to vocabulary, grammar, writing (if any exists), and even cultural artifacts of the people whose languages need to be characterized and preserved.

As I mentioned in Installment 113: “There is no reason why even small groups of speakers cannot maintain their languages – and with those languages, vital elements of their cultures.” The ever developing realm of technology can now easily accommodate ALL of the data necessary for people to learn, through JINGLES – type training, any and all phonologies that they wish to make part of their personal systems of allophonomes.

Just as Hebrew has been reestablished as a living language after lying more or less dormant for centuries, so too can other languages be brought back from the brink of extinction – and nurtured into vibrant, living languages.

I see hope even for Yagan. The Yagan people are not extinct. Rather, they are speaking Chilean Spanish by default. But with the proper technologies downloaded into their mobile devices, they may someday in the not-too-distant future find themselves conversing with computerized, simulated Yagan speakers who can interact with them and bring their Yagan back to life.

To go out even further on a limb, I can foresee the simulated speakers as being sophisticated enough to coach their real life Yagan counterparts, helping them to develop their Yagan speech motor skills!

I hereby retract my “rest in peace!” words for Yagan. Rather, I say, “Yagan, welcome back!”

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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