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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Today I wish to share with you some of the trials and tribulations – as well as the great feelings of fulfillment – that come from working with “The JINGLES”.

Yesterday I was teaching a certain Ms. O. She has thus far completed 120 of the 1,000 worksheets that are available for Jingles clients. In doing so she has attained a level of close to 89. Therefore, she is at the borderline between being an intermediate and an advanced Jingles client.

Ms. O is already a very fluent speaker of English – and her pronunciation development is proceeding at a slightly better than average pace. However, as I trained her yesterday, I noticed that her s and z gestures are much weaker than they should be – especially considering that she has completed 120 worksheets.

Therefore I have scheduled a remedial 45-minute session for her when she comes in for training next week.

Since that remedial training session will entail a great deal of s and z production on the part of the instructor, I am going to have one of my subordinates take care of it. This is because of the “tongue damage” I incurred some 13-15 years ago when I used to teach “The Jingles” without taking water!!! How naive I was in those days!

Nowadays, my pool of excellent instructors provides me with the means to see to it that my clients receive remedial training without my having to risk injuring my tongue any further.

Over the years I suffered innumerable injuries as I developed The Jingles Method. Unwittingly, I served as a guinea pig of sorts. But how nice it is that my clients have been spared Jingles related training injuries as a result!

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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