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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

For the past six months it seems my Earthsaving efforts have stalled, with no discernible progress seen regarding the preservation of elephants, languages, territorial integrity of smaller nations, or dwindling resources. I could of course give up – but that is just not going to happen…

To compensate for my lack of progress in all of my efforts to save Earth, I have directed lots of energy at developing my Jingles clients -- as well as the teaching skills of my fellow Jingles instructors and me.

Happily, in the waning hours of the year 2014, I have been able to sharpen my focus. In a session that took place only three days ago, my goals regained clarity of focus – thanks to a single client and her dilemma.

Among all of our clients aiming for the “Exemplary” or “89” level, this particular client is the only one (among hundreds) who did not show any significant progress in her pronunciation over the past 4 months.

Clearly, some changes were in order!

I made an adjustment to her at-home training technique and also in its frequency. In addition, I have specified very clearly how she needs to make changes in the way she practices her Jingles at home. You see, she has been doing her at-home training improperly, wasting time, energy, and money.

Her new training program calls for her to spend 15 minutes twice a week developing her “both speeds, both modes” training technique – and then to come in and show me (once a week, for one hour – no more, no less) that she can expertly make the switches from 1) TRAINING MODE, slowly & carefully to 2} TRAINING MODE, normal speed to 3) regular mode, slowly & carefully and finally to 4} regular mode, normal speed.

After she has mastered the above speech motor skills employment techniques, her development will be back on track!

Getting back to me and my Earthsaving, I too am going to alter my “at home training techniques” in 2015. I will continue to focus on saving living creatures, preserving the environmental quality of Earth, helping languages to stave off extinction, and provide anecdotes from my personal life. However, I shall now expand my blogging into a new category: Live and Let Live.

Have a wonderful 2015!

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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