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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Two of my great loves have suddenly come together. They are (1) basketball and (2) protecting the African elephant. The vector involved here is former National Basketball Association great Yao Ming. The 229-cm tall Yao Ming is now speaking to his Chinese countrymen and, indeed, to all the world about the needless slaughter of elephants and rhinoceroses on the continent of Africa.

On November 18th of this year, in the United States, the television program “Animal Planet” aired an episode called “Saving Africa’s Giants (with Yao Ming)” In this episode Yao is speaking up for the elephants and rhinos of this Earth. In doing so, Yao is pointing out that the Chinese people are good people – but just do not seem to grasp the suffering being endured by the elephants and rhinos in Africa as they are being pushed to extinction by those who seek to make money from the sale of the tusks of elephants and the horns of rhinos.

I urge all of my readers to check out this program. It will change the minds of those of you who do not yet realize how needless the slaughter is. In this program, Yao’s unpretentious, sincere plea for people to stop this sin against Earth comes through very poignantly and clearly.

The suffering of elephants and rhinos is graphically depicted on this program. Be forewarned! It HURTS!

All of you my fellow Earthlings are asked to take action to help Yao Ming and me – and all others who are trying to save the elephant and the rhinoceros from extinction and to end the suffering being heaped on these noble beings by some very ignoble and/or ignorant humans.

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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