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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

For the third day in a row my blog will deal with the concept of speed control. Just enjoy it and practice along with me! Our “text” will be taken from a short essay I have written:

“Steve Walker’s 2013 Visit to the Falkland Islands”

slow, careful speed /// normal speed

During my life I have visited places all over the world.

DyU RIng May LayF ay haeV VizI tuD pLey suz awl ou VuR thu WuRlD. /// DyU RIng May Lay FayV VIzI duD pLey su zaw Lou VuR thu WuRlD.

The place I love most is the Falkland Islands, which I visited between July 29th and August 17th of 2013.

thu pLeys ay LuhV Moust Iz thu FawkLuND ayLuNDz, hwIch ay VizIItuD biytwiyN juWLay tweNtiy NayNth aeND awgUst seVuNtiyNth uhV tweNtiy thuRtiyN. /// thu pLey say LuhV Mous tIz thu Fawk LuND ay LuNDz, WI chay VizI duD butwiyN juWLay twe Niy NayN thaeN daw gust seVuN tiyN thuV twe Niy thuR tiyN.

The most moving moment I had in the Falklands was when I visited the settlement of Goose Green.

thu Moust MuW VIng Mou MuNt ay haeD IN thu Fawk LuNDz Wuhz hweN ay VI zI tuD thu se tul MuNt uhV guWs griyN. /// thu Mous tMuW VIng Mou MuN day hae dIN thu Fawk LuND zwu zwe Nay VI zI duD thu se dul MuN tuV guW sgriyN.

There, I met a 38-year-old man, embittered by the horrible experiences he had undergone (as a 7-year-old boy) when the Argentines invaded the Falklands.

theR ay Met u thuR tiy yIR oulD MaeN, eM bI tuRD bay thu ho RI bul Ik spI Riy yuN suz hiy haeD uhN duR gawN (aez u se VuN yIR oulD boy) hweN thiy aR juN tayNz IN Vey duD thu Fawk luNDz. /// the Ray Me du thuR diy yI RoulD MaeN, eM bI duRD bay thu ho RI bu lIk spI Riy yuN su ziyD uhN duR gawN (ae zu se Vu NyI RoulD boy) weN thiy yaR juN tayN zIN Vey duD thu Fawk luNDz.

I shall never forget the winds continually sweeping across the Falklands. How refreshing they were! How clean the air was! How warm the people! My heart’s in the Falklands! They always feel near!

ay shal Ne VuR FoR get thu WINDz kuN tI Nyu Liy swiy pIng u kRos thu Fawk LuNDz. hau Riy FRe shIng they WuR! hau kLiyN thiy eR Wuhz. hau WoRM thu piy pul! May haRt Iz IN thu Fawk LuNDz! they awl Weyz Fiyl NIR! /// ay shal Ne VuR FuR get thu WINDz kuN tI Nyu Liy swiy pI ngu kRos thu Fawk LuNDz. hau Riy FRe shIng they WuR! hau kLiyN thiy yeR Wuhz. hau WoRM thu piy pul! May haR tsIN thu Fawk LuNDz! they yawl Weyz Fiyl NIR!

Note how the number of 1 mm vowels (u and uR) increases as a function of speed. For the slow, careful parts u is used 39 times, uR 8; for the normal speed parts, u is used 43 times, uR 9 times. When these vowel reduction devices are used in conjunction with liaison, the dropping of certain sounds (on a very limited basis, by the way!), and contractions, then slow, careful speed suddenly turns into normal speed. It is not a question of rushing, but rather employing the correct speech motor skills employment techniques.

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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