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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

As I was reviewing the contents of my most recent meeting with “G” regarding how we can revitalize the Seneca language, I was very moved when she told me about how she and her people follow natural processes without the need for all sorts of “middlemen” (or to use a gender neutral term “middlepersons”) to stand between them and Earth.

In other words, she was saying that government, big business, landholders are not necessary… Snug and warm in my house out here on an Oregon hilltop all covered with snow, I thought out the situation: My government (that is, the United States government) does protect my right to own real estate – and backs up its commitment to do so with military might. If all governments and all individuals could devise a philosophy whereby we all respected well-defined limits allowing for ownership of little pieces of Earth, water, and sky, then indeed, we could obviate the need for government. But how do we orchestrate such a dream?

Sipping some hot sassafras tea, I contemplated how acting locally while thinking globally is a luxury that can be supported only by the capability of indivduals and small groups to survive on an equal footing with larger entities. To enable such parity, it will be necessary to eliminate “middlepersons” at the business level too, with power companies being replaced by direct sunlight receptors (for power generation) to be used on an individual basis, for huge swaths of land and ocean now used by large companies and large governments to be narrowed in scope so that travelers are “hyperlinked” (See installments 103 -106, 125,135.) from place to place without having to depend on airlines and other transportation/shipping conglomerates, with people eating primarily local foods but (thanks to hyperlinks) also having access to faraway foods on a cost friendly, ecologically enabled, regular basis.

With less land taken up by governments, military entities, organized religions, meat factories (known popularly as livestock ranches and poultry farms), and inordinately rich people who have milked the current system of global economics, more land will be available to the 8 billion people who call Earth their home,

In turn, those 8 billion people should understand that trying to fit another 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or more billion(s) humans onto Earth will undo all of the above. Let’s put away our weapons and pull out our thinking caps! It is time to foster concepts that safeguard us and to eliminate those that cause anguish, insecurity, and other negative effects! And let’s not get bogged down with such time worn labels as “communism”, “socialism”, “capitalism”! Let’s use some new terms – derived from new ideas!

Steve Walker,Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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