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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

This morning I read in “The Japan News” (published by the “Yomiuri Shimbun” in Tokyo, Japan) that three people in the African nation of Togo have been arrested in the wake of the discovery of “nearly two tons of ivory in a container” designated for shipment to Vietnam. The crime committed here is in violation of a ban on the international trade of ivory. This ban was imposed in 1989.

Money is the oxygen that feeds the fire of the ivory trade. That being the case, then we must rob the fire of oxygen. The best way to do that is to confiscate every bit of material wealth from anyone convicted of being involved in the murder of African elephants for their ivory and/or for being involved (as a buyer, a seller, as a witness who does not come forward with what kee has seen, or as any other sort of illegal ivory trade facilitator) in any other way in this hideous campaign against not only the majestic African elephant, but against the African people – and, indeed, against any people who are decent, honest, and caring about the natural bounty of Earth!

The perpetrators of these crimes against the elephant should not be jailed, but should be forced to spend the rest of their lives paying a 25% “punishment tax” on whatever earnings they have, with the proceeds from that tax going to finance the following programs in those countries that still have African elephants in the wild: 1. Paying for electronic GPS monitoring of each and every African elephant so that its whereabouts is known at all times, 2. Fitting a video camera onto each elephant so that it can be switched on for distant observers to see if any poachers or other wrongdoers are approaching the elephants, 3. Funding for research into how elephants and humans can actually communicate with each other -- and for the development of equipment that allows humans to hear the low frequency sounds that elephants often use for communications purposes, 4. Creating a system of “elephant tourism” wherein tourists pay substantial amounts of money even to photograph a live elephant in the wild, 5. Banning any type of hunting except in instances when there is no other solution, 6. Flooding the media with information about the filth that constitutes ivory’s use in any form, and offering substantial financial rewards to anyone who informs authorities of the identities and/or the whereabouts of anyone dealing in the buying and selling of ivory. These forms of money-deprivation will suffocate the activities of those wrongdoers to whom justice must be meted out. Please go to the internet and read the details about the HIDEOUS, DEPLORABLE, NATIONALLY-SUPPORTED (BY SOME COUNTRIES) IVORY TRADE!! Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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