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Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Today I once more address the issue of the African elephant. There are two species of African elephant. One is called the forest elephant; the other is called the savanna elephant. Both of the species are being driven to extinction, with their slaughter financed by ivory traders. I am not going to name names but there is one country in particular that considers the possession of ivory artifacts to indicate great wealth and prestige for the owner. This idea indicates great poverty of spirit and also is characteristic of the basic insecurity on the part of those who would own ivory at the cost of the extinction of a truly remarkable creature. That particular country claims as “its own” another animal that is being driven to extinction: the ___________.

Ironically, the ___________ may exit the world stage even before the African elephant does. The loss of habitat and of any semblance of natural beauty in the country that claims this creature is probably going to lead to its demise. It and the African elephant are both falling prey to the human propensity for destruction! I hope to intervene on behalf of both creatures. But for now I will focus on the elephant. The first thing I will do is contact the governments of those African countries that can still claim to have elephants living in the wild.

As for the second creature, no one seems to have any claims to its body parts on the scale that certain people have for the African elephant. So I will focus on saving the African elephant before I consider trying to help the ___________.

Steve Walker,Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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