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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Here is what I wrote in my diary 50 years ago today – but (since my entry for Monday, January 27, 1964 was so scanty) preceded by my entry for the day before – and followed by my entry for the day following:

Sunday, January 26, 1964

Dear Diary,

I went to Sunday school this morning. This afternnon Bob Nelson (“Nelse”), Eugene Swift, John Cummins, and the three Parker brothers (Randy, Danny, David) came over to my home and we played basketball. My fingertips are now chapped from playing basketball outside on concrete. Late this afternoon I and the rest of my family went to the V.F.W. (Veterans of Foreign Wars) in Caseyville and took polio vaccine, administered orally.

FIFTY YEARS AGO TODAY: Monday, January 27, 1964

Dear Diary,

This morning I sent a letter to a girl named Belva Shipp, who lives in Snyder, Texas. I asked her if she would like to become penpals with me. Today is the beginning of the second semester of the school year, so there have been a few schedule changes. Marcia Fletcher, one of the CHS (Collinsville High School) cheerleaders, is now in my 8th hour study hall.

Tuesday, January 28, 1964

Dear Diary,

I wore my black Kahok sweatshirt to school today. Yesterday in geometry Mr. Lambird re-arranged our seats. He was so obvious in his intentions: He now has only girls sitting in the front row. I am sure he wants to be able to look at their legs. Today, in chemistry, Mr. Determan changed our seats also. In the 8th period study hall I read “Superman” comic books. In English class I always tease Sue Rockwell. When I used to sit by Karen Griffith, I used to tease Karen – but now ignore her because a few days ago she insulted me. I know that she wants me to talk to her again. I can tell by the way she looks at me. Late this afternoon I alone drove up to the corner of Hollywood Heights Road and Highway 159 to pick up my sister Rosalie and bring her home.

As for TODAY (January 27, 2014), I had a bit of time to work on materials development and on the Seneca project .

Steve Walker,Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


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