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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

What are you doing to protect and preserve ideas, emotions, institutions, customs, things, relationships, plans, hopes, and dreams that you feel deserve to “last a long time”?

Please do not feel pressured by the above question. Rather, just answer it. In doing so, you will establish several additional reasons for being alive! You see, people who have nothing to strive for have very little to live for!

I now present my own personal answers to the above question. Of course, the question is limited: I could add other things that need to be preserved (such as old toys, longtime friendships, family relations – despite the fact that people change and sometimes such relations are hard to maintain or revive…In other words, let’s keep it simple!

IDEAS: As for my efforts to preserve ideas, I keep reminding myself that it is important to write things down! And to add the date when you express the idea as well as the location you are at when the thought of expressing the idea comes to you.

EMOTIONS: I am always seeking to come to terms with my emotions. Not only do I think about what emotions I have. In addition, I analyze whether certain of them are in need of replacement by other emotions so that I and the people I care about can move on more happily and positively in our lives.

INSTITUTIONS: As for institutions, I think that the family is a very important institution, constituting one of the pillars of any society. Hence, I do my best (in the face of lots of interference from work, non-family considerations, and the general conditions all humans are facing in these modern times).

CUSTOMS: I grew up following various customs. But I see that some of those customs are no longer relevant for me. I actually used to think “Columbus Day", a holiday to celebrate the first landing of Europeans in North America, was a wonderful day of remembrance. As one who loves Native American cultures, I no longer celebrate the first arrival of Europeans onto the shores of North America. However, there ARE some holidays I will continue to cherish: I love Christmas, for (to me) it represents not only the birth of Jesus Christ, but birth and rebirth in general.

THINGS: My teddy bear Lucky (See Installments 85 and 96.) is NOT ALIVE. I know that! But he (not “it”) is one of my favorite things. He was with me this past Christmas for our 60th Christmas together.

RELATIONSHIPS: My brother-in-law John (I shall not reveal his last name.) is actually NOT my brother-in-law anymore. He and my sister have divorced and, legally, John is no longer my brother. But spiritually he and I are closer than ever. I am so happy that John and I can keep our brotherly relationship going!

PLANS, HOPES & DREAMS: To save space I list my plans/hopes/dreams together: I plan to save various living things and various languages. I hope to have help from various people as I attempt to enable my plans. And, finally, my dreams include the dreams of all living creatures: to grow, prosper, and live comfortably and for a long, long time.

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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