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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

There used to be something known as the “American Dream”. It reached its peak in the early 1960s and was represented by a typical American family, with a husband, a wife, a son, a daughter, a car, a garage for the car, a white picket fence, and a house. The husband

worked, the wife tended the children and kept house. The skies were blue, air was a free good, and soccer was the most popular sport in the world – but nobody in America was interested in it. In those days, all stores were “convenient”, the postman (not “mail carrier”)

delivered mail cheaply and dependably, and hordes of “foreigners” sought to either emulate the American dream or to “bury”

the United States.

Now, 50 years later, India and China, packed with people, choked with fumes, and either trying to send their excess masses to other parts of the world or to make other parts of the world parts of themselves, are, ironically, trying for that American dream.

But they are too many and too late.

The typical Chinese family has one child (a policy now to be “corrected” – but which will take 20 years or so to start producing a suitable number of work-capable adults). The typical Indian woman has about 2.6 children, with quite a large number of those children boasting

rather good English skills and great math skills – but with sizeable numbers lacking any skills but the ability to take in food and drink. As for housing, whereas the Americans grabbed up natural lands and stole native American lands and covered them with houses, the Indians

and Chinese are grabbing whatever lands they can cajole people out of and putting up high rise buildings that pack people into tiny spaces. White picket fences are no where to be seen -- They take up space. And those cars: The petroleum guzzlers or even the fuel efficient

vehicles are polluting the air with so much gunk that lung cancer and heart disease rates are shooting up. Even those vehicles that don’t pollute DO take up space… Need I say more?

India and China only? No, this is happening everywhere! But India and China together represent 3,000,000,000 people trying to live some sort of dream. I can be more accurate.

They are succeeding, with their high birth rate (India), exploitation of resources (including African elephant ivory) worldwide (China), and their Earth-killing emissions of toxic fumes (both countries) in creating “the terrestrial nightmare”.

Some belt tightening is in order for India and China – and for ALL of the other nations and political entities on Earth! Wake up! Is anvbody HOME?

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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