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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

I turned 14 years of age on January 10, 1962. Things were happening fast. All of my female classmates were becoming young women – while my male classmates and I were becoming young men. All of us were concerned about grooming and looking our best. My homeroom teacher was Velma Hartman (no relation to my homeroom teacher in 7th grade, Armin Hartmann, whose last name was spelled with an extra “n” at the end).

My days of detachment from reality ended abruptly with the death of my hero, 23-year-old Charles Kay Walker in May of 1962. Home on leave from the Army, “Charlie”, as I called him, had the misfortune to be friends with a young man named Delmar Gravot, who had a running feud going with a policeman in a nearby town. Charlie happened to be riding around with Delmar in Delmar’s souped up 1956 Chevrolet when that policeman gave chase in his patrol car. Delmar’s car failed to negotiate a sharp curve and slammed into an embankment. The policeman who had been giving chase pulled Delmar out of the car. He was unable to help Charlie and a 3rd young man who had also been in the car – and when the car exploded seconds after Delmar had been pulled free, Charlie’s and the other young man’s bodies were burned beyond recognition in the ensuing fire.

A huge depression hit me knowing that my Uncle Charlie, with his perfect smile, nice dimples, beautiful muscled body, and wonderful sense of humor would be with me no more. I continue to hurt, even more than 50 years later. But life must go on for those of us still living. So, whenever I feel down, I think about Charlie. I love that man, the eternal 23-year-old!

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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