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Dear Fellow Earthlings,

In today’s entry I appeal to the people of Africa to protect the African elephant. Just as the North American bison belongs to ALL people and to ALL bison (and, by extension, to our mother Earth), so too does the African elephant belong to ALL people and to ALL elephants (and, by extension, to our mother Earth).

However, just as I and my fellow North Americans must protect the bison, so too should the African people protect the African elephant.

With deep humility, but one tempered with a fervor inspired by, among others, the late Nelson Mandela, I ask that all Africans consider the plight of their large brother, the African elephant. It is a sin to allow anyone to harm the treasures of Africa to satisfy the vanity of those who would consider the ivory of an elephant to be a mark of power and/or wealth. Indeed, owning ivory is indicative of ignorance, greed, vanity, and selfishness on the part of the person who claims to own that ivory! Just as the giant panda and the tiger should have the right to live out their days without their teeth or fur or other body parts being sold to the highest bidder, so too should the African elephant have the right to live out its days without the fear of its tusks or its feet or its other body parts being put up for auction!

To the people of Africa: I implore you to stand up for your flora and fauna, for your beautiful lands and waters, for your integrity as a continent free of exploitation! Please use the same devices you have used to secure independence from colonial rule to protect all the living things in Africa – be they humans, elephants, rhinoceroses, or any other of the living treasures you are blessed to have!

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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