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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Not long after picking up my rental automobile at Buffalo Airport, I was on my way, heading south on Highway 219 toward Salamanca, New York. A large full moon was on my left as I drove. I stopped in Springville, New York and had dinner at a “Ponderosa Steakhouse” there. I enjoyed a salmon dinner, with plenty of vegetables. It was an eery feeling driving down 219, with the hills outlined against the night sky on either side of the road. I felt quite nervous when a car decided to follow me for miles and miles as I drove. The driver would honk every once in a while. I was unnerved, but just kept to the speed limit and did not in any way respond aggressively or provocatively to whoever it was that was bothering me. Kee followed me all the way to Salamanca – and until I wheeled into a gas station to ask directions. Luckily, the party following me kept going…Then, when I found my hotel (the Dudley Hotel), I was appalled by its rundown condition. Furthermore, as I went out to my car to get a suitcase, a truck drove past me and someone yelled out to me in a sort of “war cry”. The harvest moon, the strange driver behind me, the rundown hotel, and the war cry all caused me to feel ill at ease. Then, once I got into my room, I learned that there was no internet capability. Of course, that did not particularly upset me. However, I knew I would be unable to get this blog sent out tonight. I maintained an objective attitude through all this, thankful that I had arrived safely in Seneca country!

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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