Our catch phrase is on its way.
Dear Fellow Earthlings,
Today one of my employees here at The Jingles Headquarters in Yokohama, Japan and I were having a coffee break when she said something that gave me goose bumps.
"We really have to save our Earth."
Being the English teacher that I am, I was actually about to correct her! I was about to say: "It is better to say "…save Earth" or "…save the Earth" (See Installment
1.) --- --- --- BUT THEN I STOPPED, FOR A BRIEF MOMENT: “BEING an English teacher, indeed!” I thought to myself. Instead, I became what I really am: I became an "Earthsaver". As the goose bumps travelled all over my body, I said to my employee: "Yes, we do! We really do! ALL OF US must save "Our Earth". And I want to write "Our" with a capital O in this case -- because "WE ARE EARTH'S AND EARTH IS OURS!!! SHE is Ours to save! SHE is ours to have and to hold -- and to need and to (ironically!!!) save US!
How can you my fellow Earthlings help? One thing you can do is to ask business owners to let you return all packaging to them so that they can recycle it.
Just ask them!
Nothing will happen today. But ask anyway. A few of them will start thinking!
Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.