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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Especially as people’s general health declines due to their unhealthful lifestyles, more and more people can no longer claim to be healthy. Rather, they have to admit that they are unhealthy. Part of the reason why people do not wish to use the word “healthful” is that it takes a great deal of effort to say it. Just as many people opt for escalators over stairs and driving over walking, so too do they opt for the word healthy when they should be using the word healthful. “Healthful” indicates something that is good for one’s health (such as Jingles training!), whereas “healthy” indicates a condition of good health or an impressive physical display. If someone is in truly outstanding physical condition regarding kerm (See Installment 95 for an explanation of “kerm”.) speech motor skills competency, then it is no more difficult to pronounce the word healthful than it is to pronounce the word healthy. Elephant seals have protective layers of non-malevolent fat called "blubber" that insulates their bodies from the cold. This is very helpful for them, since they spend most of their time swimming in extremely cold waters. However, we humans are "landlubbers" -- and any "blubber" that we have IS malevolent. Since elephant seals do not have to do any climbing, their blubber is only minimally burdensome when they "climb" onto the shore. As for us humans, we should make it a point to use stairways instead of escalators if we wish to keep the blubber off! But if you want huge eyes like those of an elephant seal, you'll have to consult a plastic surgeon!

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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