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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Here is a message that I have just sent to “Lady-9/14”:

Hi, Lady 9/14!

Here are my thoughts to you as we work together on the Seneca Gaënö’ (Jingles):

“For the Gaënö’ we should avoid any chants. Chants are part of the supernatural, the religious realm -- and are, of course, important. But for everyday language, we need to use the Gaënö’. They will serve as a tonic, as a rejuvenator, as vitamins and minerals, as nourishment for the Onöndo’wa’ga:’ language, culture, and people.

As for tape recordings and digital recordings, they are only technology. They are not warm bodies, beating hearts, beautiful hair that whitens with wisdom! It is not wise to place all our faith in gadgets and/or the internet!

We want to be with Earth, the living realm -- with the concomitant changes -- whether they please us or not -- that will happen over time. But the independence and emotion necessary to be with Earth -- to be with the living realm -- have to

come from the Seneca people. It will be up to you sustain his effort. It is YOU who must gather sufficient optimism.

Steve is not one of you. But, in the spirit of the Mayans and the Cahokians -- the Mayans spirit resting in Steve’s blood, the Cahokians spirit resting in the land where he was born -- combined with his ability to create “Jingles” for speakers of languages who wish to have Jingles for those languages -- he can get you all back on the road to regaining phonological facility in your native language. But it will be up to you the Onöndo’wa’ga:’ people to sustain it.

Steve is offering his love and energy to you. This is his pleasure, his privilege, his duty. He gives willingly, for these gifts shall come back to him in the form of energy, optimism, and warmth.

… And warmth!

No more guns and smallpox to kill us. The insidious march of globalization DOES, however, pose a threat. So be strong! Be wary!

O great and noble Seneca Warriors and Women! Persevere with your dance, song, nutritious food, civil discourse, religious practices -- and your Onöndo’wa’ga:’ vermacular!

With love for You and All the Seneca Nation,


Steve Walker

Let’s hope that Lady 9/14 responds favorably to my effort to reach out to her


Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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