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Our catch phrase is on its way.

(Installment 125 -- Part 2 of a 2-Part Installment) (10/17/2013) Dear Fellow Earthlings, Yesterday’s and today’s installments have followed up on installments 18-23 -- and lead to some “pro-active” ideas! As suggested in Installment 103, plastic could be used in the manufacture of many parts of the hyperloop. Also, we must develop the level of solar power technology enough to make it unnecessary to refine petroleum. As a by-product of the petroleum refining process, plastic has been chosen for use in packing our food, one of the essentials of life. But unlike food, plastic does not break down into its constituent elements, leaving us with whole mountain ranges of it. Eliminating plastics and finding ways to recycle the huge amounts of it we are already stuck with are both goals that we must pursue. Regarding our production of methane and carbon dioxide, if we consume less meat, then there will be less need for fertilizers to feed cattle, pigs, sheep, and chickens – resulting in less need to produce fertilizers. By reducing our use of fertilizers, we will also reduce the need to dump excess fertilizer waste into the seas – which will help solve the problem of those huge clouds of red algae which are taking the oxygen out of the sea, contributing (along with commercial fishing) to great drops in fish populations. With the reduction in our per capita consumption of meat, land previously used either to raise livestock or to grow crops to feed livestock can be either reverted to its natural state or to raise food to feed humans. Also, global warming will slow down as the amount of petroleum we burn is reduced. Another way to help our Earth and its life forms is to develop our ability to recycle the plastics that are choking out our life both on the Earth’s dry land and in her waters. With air pollution reduced due to drops in the amount of carbon dioxide and methane produced by livestock and the burning of fossil fuels, our health would improve, the skies would start turning blue again, and global warming would be curtailed. The rain forests of Earth would begin to recover – and with that would come the possibility of discovering many new medicines that are naturally produced by living organisms. By limiting our population growth, we can further reestablish a balance between so-called progress and the Earth’s ability to support that so-called progress. On an Earthwide scale, improvements akin to that of the reduction in size of the polar ozone holes through international consensus and cooperation could become the norm – and would occur in such various forms as improved international relations, less antagonism due to fights over dwindling resources, and development of trust among all the famlies of humankind.

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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