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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Misplaced values often result in displaced people – and animals! On October 5, 1961, as my second diary entry ever, I made the following numbingly cold entry: “Thursday, October 5, 1961” “I sold my ”banties” (short for “bantam chickens”) to Mr. Ralph Wilson for $6.00. I only kept Strong Boy, Little Fat Face, and Big Rooster Girl. The banties that I sold are: HENS: Boozie, Small Black Beauty, Loo-zee (See Installment 9.), Tiny White Breast, Tweek, Fatty, Totti, Orange Beauty, Lonesome, Little-E, Black Beauty, Earth, New Black Beauty, Feather Legs. ROOSTERS: Feather Normal, Little Normal, Orange King, Little White Breast, Barney Rooster. I will use the $6.00 to buy an initial ring so that I can “go steady” (See Installment 120.) with someone.”

To my fellow Earthlings I offer a small explanation of my strange behavior. I was trying to be like all my classmates. All of us were supposed to find someone to go steady with. How happy I am that I no longer have that mentality of trying to be like everyone else!

In closing, I bow down and apologize to the above named bantam chickens for selling them as though they were just tiny pieces of meat, bones, and feathers. In truth, each had kerm own personality, dreams, likes, dislikes, moods, hopes, fears, and intellect. May I please be forgiven.

Thank you.

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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