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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

These days I am back at my job running Summit Enterprises, Incorporated, the company that I founded back in 1981 and which serves as the organizational back-up for “The Jingles”. In addition to my regular duties, I am also doing a great deal of work on the Falkland Islands Jingles project – and, of course, with my attempt to save the Seneca language from extinction. Today I reveal to you my most recent correspondence with “Lady 9-14”. The following email was received by me from “Lady 9-14” on September 25, 2013. Following is my reply, sent to “Lady-14” today:

“ Dear Steve Walker,

I have received your 3 emails and am excited to hear from you and to be able to work with you. I promise to give this project my grandest effort since it's my life's work to help people learn to speak Seneca from every angle and at every age level. I have practically been in a panic because time is running out and I have not been successful. I think that the number “90” (indicating the number of fluent speakers of Seneca) is the count for the whole world!! I am "all ears" and want to hear everything you have to say and I will do whatever you tell me to. So until I hear from you again --and know that our communication is open -- I will close for now. (signed) “Lady-14” ”

Following is my reply, sent to “Lady-14” today:

Dear “Lady 9-14”,

Thank you for the email. We must get to work immediately. The best way for that to happen is to be able to talk with you on skype! With skype we will be able to make our plans while speaking face-to-face. All you have to do is have someone help you "download" skype onto your computer. It costs no extra. My particular skype name is << (confidential) >>. Regarding the questionnaire that I have sent you, please have each Seneca speaker fill one out. You can then use email to return them to me. We must act quickly! As for my trip to Seneca country, I will arrive on Sunday, November 17th and will stay until about November 27th. I attach a picture of myself with some children of the Falkland Islands. I am trying to help save their language too. May I someday have a similar picture taken with Seneca children like the handsome Haudenosaunee boy whose picture I found in a beautiful book “Indian Nations of North America” (copyright c2010 National Geographic Society)!

Steve Walker

Let’s hope “Lady 9-14” and I can get things moving – and quickly!

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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