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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

My letter to Elon Musk, which began in Installment 103. continues here and will end with Installment 106.

Let’s look at a few routes to put some flesh on these bare bone descriptions: Imagine boarding a Stage A Vessel -- Tokyo to Sapporo to Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky to Anchorage to Vancouver to Seattle to Portland (Oregon) to points west and south. In Portland hop into a Stage B vessel running at slightly less speed, with speed variation to provide for a free flow of passengers and freight, but with the same hauling capacity as Stage A, running to Salem, Oregon and to points south. In Salem, a passenger can then transfer to a “neighborhood line” Stage C running north, south, east, west at between 15 miles per hour and 100 miles per hour as the interval between stops dictates. There would be no “stations” at this stage, but rather elective points of arrival/points of departure pre-arranged by internet with PayPal payments. I think you get the picture. Here I have just traced the line from my two abodes, Tokyo, Japan and Monmouth, Oregon (the latter a town of 10,000 people some 15 “as the crow flies” miles from Salem, Oregon). Now that you are “on the Hyperloop” with me, let’s say you and I wish to go from my home near Monmouth, Oregon to my “third home” (in my dreams only, for the island belongs to two dear people Rob and Lorraine McGill) Carcass Island, located a few miles to the northwest of West Falkland Island in the Falkland Islands. Since this type of hyperloop would be “circulatory”, reservation times and connection times would matter a whit at most – and could be designed such that, say, a medical doctor who needs to be somewhere remote as soon as possible, could be granted priority at each stage of the route.

To my blog readers: The final part of this letter to Elon Musk is to be found in tomorrow’s blog, Installment 106.

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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