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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

My letter to Elon Musk which began in yesterday’s blog, continues:

Elon, next let me comment on payload, comfort, and distance: 1) Payload: These capsules need to handle both people and freight. Therefore. size should be sufficient to accommodate, say, a Land Rover. OR, the same space could be used to transport individual people and their luggage -- accommodated in six- to-eight people-sized capsules that would, altogether occupy the same amount of space as a Land Rover. 2) Comfort: Each capsule should have temperature controls and allow for passengers to stretch out, roll over, use in-capsule toilets, enjoy hot and cold food, sleep or read in comfort and with no noise from adjacent capsules. 3) Distance: Since these capsules would basically be like blood platelets and nutrients flowing through an animal’s body, just think of them as circulation. That immediately obviates thoughts of distance. The entire Earth will be the “organism” whose circulatory system we and our cargo will be moving around in. Now some details: Regarding distance, There would be 3 “Stages” of travel. “Stage A” would be for “major traffic vessels”, such as Moscow to Vladivostok to Tokyo; “Stage B” would be for “regional traffic vessels”, such as Milwaukee to Chicago to Champaign/Urbana to Springfield to St. Louis; “Stage C” would be for “local traffic vessels”, such as Stanley to Teal Inlet to Douglas to Pebble Island to Carcass Island. Stage A Vessels would make stops every five minutes at a given station. Stage B Vessels would make stops every 2 or 3 minutes at a given point.Stage C Vessels would make stops every 45 seconds at a given point – and would feature “quick” 15 -econd stops to discharge passengers and/or freight almost anywhere along their routes. The third portion of this letter to Elon is in the following blog, Installment 105. The fourth and final portion will be in Installment 106.

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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