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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

During the past 102 days I have visited places on our planet Earth that I had never previously visited. I have seen the majestic mountains that surround Santiago, Chile and I have felt the gale in my face in the Falkland Islands (my newest home). Also during those 102 days I have revisited Illinois, the land of my birth – and have seen the lush greenery of that state. I have seen my aging parents -- and the power of my sister Rosalie and her husband Terry as they deal with the recent loss of Terry’s mother Betty. Rosalie’s sense of responsibility as she battles with her and my hard-to-fathom father and mother John and Ann Walker -- nearing the end of their days on Earth – is remarkable!I I have seen hope for the future in the faces of the primary school children of the Falklands, sitting there all bright eyed in their modern, sunny classrooms so remniscent of the classroom I entered as a first-grader in September of 1954 – and where I learned that all things are possible. I have seen the skuas fighting each other for a rather sizable piece of fish on the Stanley By-pass – and the crows in Monmouth, Oregon dropping their nuts on the roads for cars to run over so that the tires would break the nuts open, making it easy to get at the meat inside – just as I had seen the gulls along the harbor in Stanley dropping shellfish onto Ross Street so that Rovers would run over them – making it easy to get at the meat inside! And I have felt the pathos of Rob McGill as he lamented the loss of his old friends not just to aging but to the forces of change coming to the Falklands – and that of Clarence only yesterday as he opened his heart for me the outsider simplly because I expressed my love for his tenuous, precious way of life…There is so much to save, isn’t there! May I find a way to help – and to inspire others to help as well! These are the thoughts racing through me as I sit in my seat in a Delta Airlines Boeing B767 heading for my home in Japan!

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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