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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

When I turned six years of age on January 10, 1954, I was the only 6-year-old in Caseyville, Illinois who was not in kindergarten. You see, in those days going to kindergarten was not mandatory. My parents, for whatever reason, chose to keep me home. Looking back on their decision, I am happy that it happened. It gave me time to play with my sister Rosalie and my brother Frank – and to develop my imagination as I created a “Treasure Island” for us to “live in”. We pretended that Rosalie was my wife, Frank was my eldest child, my Teddy bear Lucky was my second oldest child, and so on! Also in 1954, my family (excluding my father) started attending Unity Roselawn Baptist Church in Fairview, Illinois. There I met Bill Boehm, who would be my friend until his tragic death in Vietnam (during the Vietnam War) in 1968. The highlight of the year was when, in September of 1954, I entered first grade at Caseyville Elementary School. Mrs. Rachel Tschirner, dressed in high heels and very glamorous, was my teacher. And a great teacher she was, as she got me going learning reading, writing, arithmetic, and – among other things – how to tie my shoelaces! The beautiful brand new wing of Caseyville School was where my classroom was. The wing had been completed only days before school started. It was sparkling clean, with huge windows, an American flag displayed on the wall in the front of the room, and with chairs and desks just the right size for 6-year-olds. I was assigned to sit at “table number 5” (which comprised 4 desks clustered together) with Bob Nelson (who remains a good friend to this day), Mike Enskat, and Emmett Kahl. Life was very good. The glamorous atmosphere of a beautiful teacher in a beautiful classroom motivated me to learn. That attitude (plus all the highly nutritious fresh fish and fruit I had eaten while living in Panama in 1949 and 1950!) helped me to learn quickly. In fact, within the first three months of my school career, my reading and writing levels topped those of all my classmates. Life was more than just good -- it was wonderful!

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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