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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

The following classes, if added to the curriculum at the Stanley Infant and Junior School –and Camp Education in the Falkland Islands, would aid in the preservation of “the old ways” of speaking, and could help newcomers who are expected to be immigrating to the Falkland Islands to become true Falkland Islanders or, simply, Islanders. The 4- and 5-year old students could learn of the “old ways” by being visited in class by various people from “Camp” (any area of the Falklands outside of Stanley) 3 times a week. As for the 6-year-olds, they would actually go to (the) Camp once a week (but limited to areas in the northern half of East Falkland, knowing that as 7-year-olds they would then explore the southern half of East Falkland). The 6-year-olds would spend 2 class sesssions a week either preparing for their visit to Camp the ensuing week or analysing what they had done on their previous visit to Camp. The 7-year-olds would visit the Camp two days per week – and learn to do their other coursework part of the time during the two days (which would include one overnight stay). The 8-year-olds would spend 3 days (2 nights) per week in the Camp and would be trained by the people living in Camp to perform the various maintenance, animal husbandry, and housekeeping chores that are needed to make life in Camp work. The 9-year-olds would have the most concentrated experience of all, as they would be required to spend every second week in Camp – but in East Falkland. They would be very busy alternating between Camp and Stanley during the entire school year. As for secondary school students, they would be encouaged to join various “Falkland Islanders” clubs so that, as they make the transition into adulthood, they would continue to find their roots as Islanders even while expanding their horizons to become dynamic, confident Earthlings in a new age of enlightenment. The Falkland Islands, relatively small in land area as a member of the family of Earth’s nations, can become an example of how “Size may matter, but the Falkland Islands spirit matters even more!” All of the activities implied here would call for a great deal of help from the older Falkland Islanders, who would need to be trained and motivated enough to make it work. All Falklanders would be encouraged (though not forced!) to – even if only occasionally – help in this national endeavor.

Steve Walker, Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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