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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

(This blog was compiled in the Falklands on 10 August 2013 local time.)

I spent today preparing for Monday, the 12th of August, when I will be gathering more data from Islanders as I continue to develop Falkland Islands Jingles. I had a few minutes to think about yesterday’s trip out to Camp. Yesterday, the crisp, clean, clear air invigorated me. Because the air was so unpolluted, I had been able to see Mt. Adam, the highest peak on West Falkland (height 2297 feet or 700 metres) even though it was a good 45 kilometres (80 miles) away from where Nobbe Clarke was driving me in his vehicle. In the first photograph I have attached to today’s blog, Mt. Adam can be seen way off in the distance (on the lefthand side of the photograph). From a spot only a few metres beyond the place where the first photo was taken, Nobbe and I were also able to get a good look at Mt. Osborne, the highest peak on East Falkland (at a distance of about 15 kilometres, or 24 miles, from our position). Mt. Osborne, whose summit is 2312 feet (705 metres) above seal level, edges out Mt. Adam as the highest peak in the Falklands. Mt. Osborne can be seen quite clearly in the second photograph I am attaching to my blog today. The photo was taken in the vicinity of Mt. Pleasant Airport. In the third photo you can see three of the six German-made wind turbines that currently supply Stanley with about 40% of its electricity. Many more turbines such as the three you see are slated for construction. The winds continually sweeping across the Falklands are a plentiful and dependable source of electricity. Buffeted by high winds last night, the Falklands today received lots of sunshine and very little wind. For the first time in the 3 weeks that I have been here, it felt almost warm outside. It seems that winter is coming to an end here in the Falkland Islands. The time for me to head back to the northern hemisphere, with its hot summer, is but a week away!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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