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Our catch phrase is on its way.

(This blog was compiled in the Falklands on 3 August 2013 local time.)

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Peter drove me out to a distant beach and gave me instructions on how to walk back. I was doing well as I attempted to set up a tripod to hold my camera so that I could get pictures of penguins (some gentoo penguins, with a couple of young king penguins mixed in, one still in a brown covering of down). But then the unthinkable happened. The tripod, with the camera attached on top, blew over when a sudden gust of wind came up. In that instant fine particles of sand penetrated into the zoom lens portion of the camera, ruining the camera. So I had to content myself with pictures that were less than ideal. But all one can do is move on and make the best of things! It was a long walk back to the “settlement”, the cluster of houses and outbuildings that comprise the living area of the Robertsons’ farm. The walk was along a rugged coastline with the wind blowing in my face. Tonight up in my room I worked on teaching materials for “The Jingles”. I had hoped to have Ann and Peter be linguistic informants for me, but since Ann is a native speaker of England English and since Peter’s pronunciation is greatly affected by poor hearing and a lack of teeth, I did not bother to ask them to be informants.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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