Our catch phrase is on its way.
(This blog was compiled in the Falklands on 2 August 2013 local time.)
Dear Fellow Earthlings,
The taxi driver who drove me to Stanley Airport was a most pleasant fellow named Kenneth Stewart. He drove me past the old shipwreck known as the Lady Elizabeth and I took a picture of us with the Lady Elizabeth in the backgound. There were three passengers on our little plane -- called an “Islander” -- which can carry a total of 8 people. It took about an hour for us to get across the breadth of East Falkland, the “Sound” (Fallkland Sound), and then across the breadth of West Falkland. A lady named Rosemary Wilkinson, her dog, and her dog’s 3 puppies got off at Dunnose Head. Then our plane proceeded to a second stop to drop off some freight. Next we flew another 15 minutes before reaching Port Stephens, where Paul Robertson (the son of Peter and Ann Robertson -- who will be putting me up for the next three nights at their farm) lives. The Robertsons’ sheep farm covers 58,000 acres. It used to employ many people, but now there are only Peter, Ann, Paul, and Paul’s wife Diane living here. It is really an isolated place. The quiet is wonderful! I took a walk on the rolling plains and marvelled at the scenic coastline with its coves and substantial, mountainlike hills! Peter and Ann literally grow all their own food. They grow their vegetables in a greenhouse and slaughter their own sheep, cows, and chickens for food. Tonight I enjoyed a homemade meal of mutton, potatoes, broccoli, carrots, mutton gravy, and rhubarb crumble with fresh cream on it.
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.