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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

For the next 28 days the Falkland Islands will be my home, my mother, and my RESPONSIBILITY. (See Day 1 of my blog (May 27, 2013) if this first sentence does not ring any bells…) Some people might use different names for the Falklands, but since I am writing in English, the language of the Falklands, I shall use the names “the Falklands” or “the Falkland Islands”. Since I cannot speak for the Falklanders (because I’m NOT a Falklander except at heart), I shall refer to the Falklands as “my home” during the time that I am here. The Falkland people, of course, refer to it as “our home” or “my home” – but the main point is that this pair of islands with its sprinkling of islets is indeed home to some 2,000 people (about 3,000, if we include the British military personnel stationed here). For people born here, the Falklands is, in many ways, their mother – and good children should take care of their mothers. It is a responsibility that they assume as they grow up. While I am here in the Falklands, certainly, -- and forevermore even after I leave, the Falklands will remain in my heart – for I love this young nation as a child loves its mother!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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