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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

It will take twenty to thirty 20-minute teleconferencing and/or live sessions with 15 to 20 of the most robust native speakers of Seneca in order to set up between 10 and 30 Seneca Jingles. As I develop those Jingles I will be searching for the “synergy centers” of the body. By this, I mean that I will locate those parts of the body which generate the general resonance and movements that comprise the phonological system of Seneca. Synergy centers are language specific, so my first task is to locate them. Past experience tells me that there will be one primary synergy center, while there will be either one or two secondary and tertiary centers. Quaternary synergy may have several centers, depending on whatever dialectal features of Seneca might still remain… The first 10 Jingles will carry strength building gestures (with full TRAINING MODE demands made on the primary synergy location in the body of the Seneca phonome), the second 10 Jingles will add fluency and traditional thoughts to the mix (while toning down the power of the TRAINING MODE a bit), and the third 10 will add straight regular mode training. Then we can start training me (Steve Walker) as well as young aspirants (the best being people between 18 and 20 who seek full 100% -- In Jingles terminology, we call it “90-Level” or “nativelike” speech motor skills expertise) in their target language, which of course, will be Seneca! Now all I have to do is MAKE CONTACTS and get started! I am quite confident that there IS a way that your oral language can be saved – and not just videorecorded!!!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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