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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

“The early bird gets the worm”. This proverb calls attention to the fact that there is a distinct advantage in getting to something BEFORE someone else does.

“First come, first served.” This proverb has the same implications. As for me, personally,“Better late than never,” is a good counterbalance to the first two proverbs mentioned here…

So let’s put it into practical terms: Land grabbing has been going on for many years: Just look at the way various groups have come into places already inhabited by other people. With the excuse that the original land grabbers are just “uncivilized savages”, so called “civilizations” have decimated indigenous populations….

Sea grabs are currently underway, with various countries claiming vast expanses of the ocean, unilaterally calling those areas “integral parts of the motherland”. So they are trying to think of the “better late than never” option – although at times they mention that “Hey, we were here first!”

The same mentality regards the destruction of a neighbor’s access to sunlight. Some construction company put up a 15-story building right next to my home and took away 90% of the sunlight. So you see, I got there first, but that company (probably after paying a few bribes to city officials) got permission to destroy my and my family’s access to sunlight.

I guess “better late than never” is the expression they would use to describe their theft! All I can do is refuse to ever look at that building – and in the 7 years that it has blocked my sunlight, I have never looked at it – and indeed, hope that it is no longer there!

All of this is related to greed and overpopulation... Bye for today!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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