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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

I am still waiting for word from the Seneca Nation…I have yet to contact any Rapa Nui people… And then there are the the Irish Gaelic speakers… (Irish Gaelic is also known as “Irish”.) The Republic of Ireland has over 4,000,000 people, but only about 40,000 of them (mostly on the western half of the island of Ireland) speak the national language of Ireland, Irish Gaelic. Unlike Seneca or Rapa Nui, Irish Gaelic has high status in the country where it is spoken – and is both the “first official language of the Republic of Ireland” and an “official language of the European Union”. The Irish government requires Irish students to learn Irish Gaelic. Yet, English continues to dominate people’s daily lives in the Republic of Ireland… As I see it, what Seneca, Rapa Nui, and Irish Gaelic all need are fans: enthusiastic, young (if not in body, at least in spirit!) people willing to go through the sometimes very demanding physical effort of developing the proper speech motor skills that characterize the target language of their choice -- in other words, “JINGLES”! These language specific JINGLES must be concise enough to carry impact with the people who practice them, must provide enough length so they can intertwine with one another, coalescing into a community phonome (See Installments 25 and Installment 26.) of the target language, must carry deep cultural feelings that can be absorbed by their learners, and -- most importantly – need to be both inspirational and enjoyable.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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