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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

In the Seneca language “Earth” is pronounced yuEntade, or something like that… (I will have to double check, for last night was my first try at learning Seneca – and the phone connection was not so clear. As soon as possible I want to ask some Seneca people the following: “Is yuEntade, your home in the way that many English speakers consider “Earth” as their home?” And if not, where or what is your home?” “Is yuEntade your mother? Or perhaps your father? Or is yuEntade, something else? 100 of you Seneca still speak your language perfectly, so please use your Seneca language and tell me many things related to what I have just asked! Can you share your language with an outsider? I promise that if you do, then you the Seneca people and I will become mutual insiders and confidantes. It may or may not be your RESPONSIBILITY to communicate with me, but I hope you can teach me as much as you can about yourselves: your past, your present, your dreams for the future! My dream is to help you find your "primary synergy" (the location in your bodies from which your speech sounds and intonations originate. Your souls are yours and you need not share them with me! But please share your language so that I, with my “Jingles” (See Installment 24 and Installment 25) can help preserve it! Oh, how I wish I could close out this message with a farewell in Seneca! I can only hope that some of the Seneca people I talked to in the wee hours this morning here in Japan (in the afternoon in the Seneca Nation) respond to my request to help you preserve your language’s community phonome! I wish to learn and preserve (save) YOUR concept of Earth!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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