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Our catch phrase is on its way.

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

Good mothering fosters the development of good offspring. I can give you an example

from my own life. My mother spanked me only once – and it was for good reason.

One summer day, when I was five years old, my sister Rosalie (who was 3) and I were playing

outside when I came across a big, red insect about 2 centimeters long. I did not know it, but

this “giant ant” was really a wingless wasp known as “a velvet ant” or “cow killer ant”. It was

so “cute” to me that I picked the bright red creature up – and was promptly stung.

The pain was excruciating! But I did not cry! Instead, I lamented that Rosalie had not picked the

creature up instead of me. Nearby she was playing contentedly. Even as I suffered in great

pain, I told Rosalie to pick up the “beautiful creature”, which she promptly did – and of

course, she screamed out in agony!

My mother came upon this scene and Rosalie told her that I had told her that the creature would

cause her no harm! Mom realized that I had done a terribly mean thing to my sister – and spanked me,

telling me to “clean the devil out of my heart” and to “never do such a thing again”.

Never again would I try to heap sufffering on anyone else (or upon any type of living creature) merely to soothe my own pain!

Thank you, Mom!

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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