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Dear Fellow Earthlings,

I just adore kind people! I was living in Saudi Arabia back in 1978 and had ridden my bicycle 8 kilometers or so to a vegetable market so that I could get a little outdoors exercise before the really hot weather set in. Normally, for such shopping, I would ride the van that shuttled people in the compound where I lived back and forth between the compound and the nearby town of Al-Hofuf.

The weather had been beautiful before I left, but, just as I finished shopping, a sudden downpour of rain hit the town. I was forced to get off of my bicycle.

Luckily, I found shelter from the relentless rain under an awning. The gentleman whose awning I was using saw me through a window and invited me into his home, where he served me tea. Upon learning that I was American, he said that I was the first American he had ever met. For over an hour, speaking in Arabic, we told each other of our lives. After the rain let up, he put my bicycle into the back of his pick-up truck and he drove me to my compound. The man’s name was Mohammed Abdu and I shall never forget his kindness.

Steve Walker Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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