Our catch phrase is on its way.
Dear Fellow Earthlings,
In a direct follow-up to yesterday’s installment regarding what constitutes a home, our own bodies are home to many sorts of germs and parasites. So, when we are in our houses or huts or condominiums or cardboard boxes,
or motorhomes or caves or other types of homes, we are sharing them with the aforementioned germs and parasites.
Such arrangements can work, so long as the relationship between the host and the “outsider” is balanced.
This same concept can be applied to nations: If the various nationalities/ethnic groups living in a particular
nation can create ways for dissimilar (and – sometimes -- disparate) groups to cooperate with each other
and to practice tolerance, then life will become much more pleasant for everyone. Humans need to exercise their responsibility to make sure that all life forms (and all life styles!)
have enough elbow room to live full lives and to pursue their dreams.
Steve Walker
Earthsaver and Jingles Creator
© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.