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Earth is where we are -- and where our HEARTS should be!

Dear Fellow Earthlings,

"Home is where the heart is.” This old adage implies that the place where you have your deepest emotional ties is your “home”. However, if a child is forced to be in a home in which kee (“kee” meaning “he or she”) is not comfortable – or in which kee feels abused or unloved, then home is definitely NOT where kerm (“kerm” meaning “his or her”) heart is.

Is a snail’s shell its home? I think not, since that shell is permanently attached to the snail – and its home is, rather, the garden or seabed or wherever else it roams -- seeking out food, taking in oxygen, looking for a mate or mates, depositing wastes – in short, living out its life. By contrast the shell of a hermit crab IS, in a sense, its home, since it is free to “relocate” and, after doing so, attempt to“relocate” in a different, abandoned shell.

One thing is clear however: At least for now, the home of all human beings is Earth.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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