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Dear Fellow Earthlings,

To better understand Earth, I ask you to do a little research about two other planets: Venus and Mars. Here, Please think about the possiblity of water (necessary for life as we know it) on these 2 planets. Venus, Earth, and Mars are all rocky planets located at a distance from the sun (the habitable zone) that allows for the possibility of water on their surfaces. It seems all 3 of these planets started out with water but that Venus, 25 million miles closer to the sun than Earth is, was too close to the sun to keep the water it once had – and Mars, despite the presence of water ice at its poles and under its surface, does not have sufficient atmospheric pressure to allow for the presence of liquid water. To avert a Venuslike “overheating” scenario, we thus must take steps to stave off global warming. As for any Marslike scenarios, that would be meaningless to think about if we had already lost our life-friendly atmosphere only to have it replaced by a primarily carbon dioxide atmosphere (more-or-less identical to that of Venus). The runaway greenhouse effect would completely destroy all life on the surface of Earth – and probably any life that might exist in Earth’s bowels as well.

Steve Walker

Earthsaver and Jingles Creator

© 2013 Steve Walker, The Jingles-The Japan Foundation for English Pronunciation, Summit Enterprises.


© 2016 by EarthSaver, Steve Walker.

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